At FODPA we strive not only for excellence but for “exceptionalism.” We define this approach to the arts this way: The art of going above and beyond earthly capabilities to enjoy God’s artistry in His creation. The arts do speak loudly. The world has offered the arts with a technical skill that many times allows their message to be heard above that of the Gospel. This can only be accomplished through professional training that will challenge the student to excel and not grow weary in the process of becoming the best they can be. The world will stand and listen when the Christian artist “performs” his or her message with a skill and passion equal to or exceeding what is being presented in society today. Field of Dreams Performing Arts stands ready to engage every student, young and old, with the opportunity to “OPEN THE DOORS TO THEIR DREAMS.”
For us to achieve all this, we not only depend on annual student enrollment, but also on financial contributions from people and companies like you!! We are looking for collaborators that would give and share their resources to help us with many of the challenges that our studio faces each year. Your contributions will help us tremendously!
-Theatre venue bookings to be able to perform our Spring recitals and shows
-Royalties and License Fees
-Set and Props Build/Acquisition
-Office Supplies and Administrative Expenses
-Ticketing, Programs, Flyers, and Posters
-Promotional and Fundraising Material
-Scholarships for talented students with limited resources.
Please, take a little time and donate to our organization. Any amount counts!

Thank you!
(Pending 501c3 Exemption)