Our Theater classes are made to inspire and challenge the students and create an incredible enviroment to learn all parts of theater and the stage.
We strongly recommend that all theater students complement their theater training with a dance, voice and/or acting classes. This will thoroughly prepare the student and complement their performance in the musical theatre classes, preparing them for auditions, character development, choreography, vocal demand, and overall execution.
*Attendance in these classes is imperative. Student’s past engagement, attitude, and attendance will be considered in casting for future productions.-
THEATRE I (Ages 8 – 12)
The Theatre I class will explore the role of the “triple threat “ performer. Students will learn the foundations of stagecraft. This class is not a “do this/show that” class. Time will be given to teach how acting, dance, and singing combine to make an unbeatable performance. A Broadway Musical or full play will be chosen for the performance. There will be extra rehearsals on some weekends, so students and parents need to check the Studio Calendar and make sure they separate those dates ahead of time. Attendance in this class is imperative. It is STRONGLY RECOMMEND that the student takes a dance class and a voice class to be able to meet the show’s standards.
Class meets an hour and a half/once a week, with some extended hours & weekend rehearsals after Christmas Break.
THEATRE II (Ages 13 - Adult)
In Theatre II class, more time will be spent on character development and analysis. Students will need to dedicate at-home time to research, prepare, and memorize monologues. They learn to take the acting craft more seriously. A Broadway Musical or Full Play will be chosen for performance. There will be extra rehearsals on some weekends, so students and parents need to check the Studio Calendar and make sure they separate those dates ahead of time. Attendance in this class is imperative. It is STRONGLY RECOMMEND that the student takes a dance class and a voice class to be able to meet the show’s standards.
Class meets two hours/once a week, with some extended hours & weekend rehearsals after Christmas Break.
ADVANCED THEATRE (Ages 13 - Adult)
This class is for the serious actor. High standards are expected. Dedication, discipline, attendance, and commitment are a must. A Broadway Musical or Full Play will be chosen for performance. There will be extra rehearsals on some weekends, so students and parents need to check the Studio Calendar and make sure they separate those dates ahead of time.
Attendance in this class is imperative. We STRONGLY RECOMMEND that the student takes an acting class (acting technique or private acting lessons), a dance class, AND a voice class (Group or Private) to be able to meet this class’ very high level of performance. Placement is by audition and/or teacher recommendation only*.
Audition requires the student (established FODPA student or new student) to perform a one-minute monologue of his/her choice (comedy, drama, or dramedy and a short acapella song of his/her choice (they can be accompaniment tracks on their phones also). This will be done at our Onsite Registration and Assessment days, Dates TBD
Class meets two hours/once a week, with some extended hours & weekend rehearsals after Christmas Break.
The following topics will be covered in this class:
-Foundation of Acting
- Improvisation
-Preparing for Auditions
-Character Development
-Script Analysis
-Writing a Script
-Scene Study
-Stage Combat
-Acting on Film
-Voice Acting
-Set/Prop Build
-Directing a Play
and more…
You don’t want to miss this class!!! Guest instructors/speakers will be invited to teach a few classes. Does not pay costume fee.
Class meets one hour/once a week.
FODPA STUDIO THEATRE (NEW! To be confirmed!)
We are introducing an exciting opportunity for all thespians in our community! This will be Field of Dreams Performing Arts’ Community Theatre branch, a collaboration between FODPA students and staff, community members, and professional artists. Auditions and casting will be open to all, as soon as the production is announced, around the beginning of the month of October. Everyone interested is welcome to audition. Each cast member will be charged a Production Fee that can be divided in installments, to cover theatre venue, costumes, props, set, tech rental, and theatrical licensing. Funds will help cover FODPA’s non profit operating expenses. Shows will be performed between the months of May and June. Follow us on social media @fodpanc for updates!